Psychic MediumAm I Psychic?

As you may imagine, I get many inquiries from those I read regarding their own innate psychic ability. I will tell you that we are all born psychic. We all have spirit guides that we chose to be with us through this lifetime and we are all here to learn. Many times when we are children, those of us that are told that we have an active imagination replete with imaginary friends are also taught that the things we see are just that: our imaginations. As we continue to learn and grow, we learn that being open to seeing/hearing/experiencing things that others cannot is somehow bad and we’re discouraged from pursuing it.

There are some of us, though, whose gifts tend to persist despite the discouragement.  In fact, a lot of my clients see this arise as a form of psychic empathy. My gift came into play when I foresaw my brother’s death about a year before it occurred. Since that time, I have had the gift and I have learned how it works.

Is there an “Am I Psychic Quiz” or “Am I Psychic Test” I can take?

am I psychicI wish it were that easy. Any test or quiz that you take is only going to give you generalized results by asking questions like:

Are you ever thinking of someone and they call?

Do you ever have feelings of things and then they come true?

Can you sense energy in the room?

All that stuff is very vague and general and I’m sure at some point in all of our lives, we experience these phenomena on some level. If you’re really wondering, “am I psychic,” the best way to develop your gift is first accepting the knowledge that you are and, as Lady Gaga so eloquently put it, “baby, you were born this way!”

I always liken psychic ability and awareness to this: everyone has the ability to play the piano, even if you have no skill or technique at it. Anyone can go push the keys on the keyboard. Not everyone will become a concert pianist. Why? Because developing the still takes time, dedication, and practice. Are there some people that catch on quicker? Absolutely! But that is why it pays to not compare yourself to anyone else!

The first thing I always ask anyone who is wondering if they’re psychic is: “Do you meditate?” If psychic ability is the door you’re seeking to open, meditation is the key! I recommend starting with guided meditations (which can be found on YouTube) to get your feet wet and begin. You don’t have to meditate for 45 minutes to make a difference, but you have to do something.

Here is a meditation I recommend everyone to do start.

What Type of Psychic Am I? Am I psychic or Intuitive?

I don’t think you can be psychic without relying on your intuition. I liken your intuition to a gut feeling; you know that feeling you get when you’re like, “I know I shouldn’t do this but…” then something bad happens?

Allow me to provide an example. When my mother was a teenager, she decided one day she was going to skip school. She had never done anything like this before but her gut kept telling her, “Go to school today!” She ignored it. This happened to be the day that my great-grandmother passed away and when my grandmother went to the school to look for my mother, she was nowhere to be found.

Trust Your VibesMuch psychic ability deals with honing in and listening to your intuition, that still voice on the inside that guides you.

There is much more I could write on intuition and how it’s related to being psychic, but they’re one in the same. And Sonia Choquette has written an amazing book entitled, “Trust Your Vibes” that I recommend all new studies pick up so they can learn how to tune in and trust that still small voice inside.

It’s available on Amazon and I recommend it to everyone.

Celebrating your divine design!