TarotReview: The Psychic Tarot by John Holland

John Holland is one of the world’s leading psychic mediums and his cards speak to his expertise.

This is no traditional tarot deck—in fact, it’s more of an oracle deck with some tarot flavoring.  The deck is separated into three different sections:  the major arcana, the minor arcana, and the chakra cards.

As in the traditional tarot, there are 22 major arcana cards and these cards represent the major life lesson and themes at work in your life that you must learn for spiritual growth.

In his minor arcana, there are 36 cards that are broken down into four categories (much like the traditional tarot breaks down into elements):  the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.  These cards correspond more to daily life and what’s happening in a person’s life.  They also provide some direction on how to move forward in life.

The chakra cards are my favorite of this deck!   The chakras are the energy centers of the body that are responsible for different traits.  When one of these cards shows up in the reading, it’s a clear sign that you need to focus in on that energy center as it may be dulled, imbalanced, or require rejuvenation.

This was the third set of cards that I bought and much like the Gilded Tarot, these jumped off the deck at me.  They come with a mini guide book written by John that explains the meaning assigned to each card and some practice spreads you can try.

Buying these won’t break the bank, either.


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