LoveWhen I Don’t Get the News I Want in a Psychic Love Reading

Love is what we make it
We can make it something lovely
So don’t desert me
Instead, learn to trust me
And love is what we make it
So let’s make it love.

Let your penchant be one of compassion.

Whitney Houston, “Love Is

Of all the readings I do, psychic love readings are at the top of the list. This isn’t by design; love is the one thing we all have in common. Love is the happiness and joy in our lives. It’s also the hurt and pain in our lives. The thing about love is we hope and pray that it lasts forever.

Sometimes, though, we find that the love we once had doesn’t always last forever. It doesn’t mean that it’s inauthentic or what was once shared between two individuals wasn’t real. It doesn’t diminish the times shared or the experiences had. It simply means that the relationship has run its course, growth has been achieved, and further growth may be required that the current relationship can’t provide.  Trust me, I speak from experience here having left a nearly decade long relationship.  Yes, it sucked and hurt but ultimately was for my greater growth, healing, and expansion.

Let’s face it—when we get in any kind of relationship, romantic or otherwise, there is always the chance for hurt and upset. Misunderstandings happen and feelings get hurt.

So what happens when you don’t get the outcome you’re looking for in a psychic love reading?

So often I get questions like, “does my ex still think of me?” “Will my ex and I get back together?” “I’m ready to start dating. Do you see anything?”

I can promise you that if your ex still thought of you, they would be in contact with you. There is a lesson here for you. I know it’s difficult to move on after a relationship has ended, but you must find the strength to do so. I will not make the case that it will be easy or that you should simply jump up, dust yourself off, and forget. I also won’t espouse the toxicity that, “the best way to get over one person is to get under a new one.” Maybe the dissolution of the relationship highlights the fact that you fall too quickly and too hard. Maybe it highlights that you give too much of yourself in a relationship and you don’t take care of yourself.  In my case, it revealed that I was neglecting the relationship with myself and looking at a physical relationship as a means whereby I could flex my spiritual muscle and help fix the other person (spoiler alert: you can fix no one; the fixing has to come from inside themselves once they’ve recognized there is indeed something to fix). Always look for the lesson in a situation when it is not going to your liking.

Whatever the situation and reasons, when going into a psychic love reading, be open to the information your reader is giving you. It may not be time for you to date. Maybe you need to do some self-healing. It may take some time.  It took me nearly 2 years before I was ready to date again.  You may need to learn how to enjoy your own company and take care of yourself in a balanced and healthy way–do things you have always wanted to do but never have (for me, this was enrolling and then falling in complete love with martial arts). You may need to work on opening up and being vulnerable with yourself.  After all, if you can’t admit to yourself your own personal truths, you’ll never be able to share them in a relationship.

The journey through love is about you first and taking care of yourself. Don’t make the mistake of being stuck on someone that has moved on or stuck in the past with a relationship that has ended. Give yourself permission to be pissed off, okay with not having a sufficient answer to ‘why’, heal, and do something for yourself, even if it’s just taking a walk. If you were truly meant to be, they will return to you in some capacity (maybe not a romantic capacity) when the time is absolutely right, you are vibrational matches to one another, and you are healed from the inside out.

Celebrating your divine design!