AfterlifeWhich Afterlife Belief is the Right One?

You see this box right here? No, this one right here! You can’t see it? You mean to tell me you can’t see this Pandora’s Box I’m about to open speaking on this? I kid!

All joking aside, whether you subscribe to the Abrahamic (Judeo-Christian, Islam) idea of eternal life and eternal punishment, the eastern idea of reincarnation, or the New Age concept of living several human lifetimes to learn spiritual lessons for your soul’s advancement, most people believe in something. This just can’t be it, can it?

Which Afterlife Belief is Correct?

I think it was Estelle Getty, who is probably most known for playing the character Sophia Petrillo on The Golden Girls, who once said that death is like an elite club we all are invited to but no one ever comes out to report how it is inside.

In all my years doing the psychic and spiritual work I do, there is one thing I have found to be true and certain—the soul does continue after our physical body is exhausted of life. I have done far too many mediumship readings and pulled in far too specific of information  and communicated far too authentically for you to convince me otherwise.


I am of the persuasion that we incarnate over several lifetimes to learn lessons for our soul’s learning and advancement. I think the biggest case for this can be found in the pages of Dr. Brian Weiss’ “Many Lives, Many Masters.”  In this book, clinical psychologist Dr. Brian Weiss is taken aback when one of his client’s brings him irrefutable information under hypnosis (in the pre-internet/Google days) about his son who had passed away. Once this link was established, she talked with him, still under hypnosis, about the process of rebirth we all undergo.

So what is the right afterlife belief?

I cannot tell you what to believe or what is right for you. Only you know what does or doesn’t resonate with your soul. I can only present you the information; it is up you to take what you want and leave the rest.  At the very least, give yourself the permission to explore the idea and concept even if you’re a die-hard skeptic. Do some research and commit to open-mindedness. I know sincerely and long held ideas are hard to surrender or challenge. But opening your mind to let other ideas in will not be to your detriment but only to your overall growth and development.

“Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.” – Elbert Hubbard

I do have a bit of suggested reading for you that will at least get you started on the path of opening your mind. You can find all of these on Amazon, and if you have the free Kindle app, you can get access to these books in e-book form immediately:

Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss
Same Soul, Many Bodies by Dr. Brian Weiss
The Survival of the Soul by Lisa Williams

Celebrating your divine design!